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Healthy Salad

Nutrition Coaching for your members

This is for the hard working gym/studio/fitness group owners. I see you!

You wear many hats. You do it all BUT there are some things you CAN NOT also add to your list of things to do.

For many, it's the nutrition piece. BUT, we all know that this is an important piece of the cake.

Keep on reading to find out how I can help solve this problem for you.

About our Group Nutrition Package

We know that often clients are not motivated to make changes to their eating habits on their own. This is why we have created a group package with 1:1 support. The facility owner and myself will determine a starting date for the seven weeks package, as well as work out the final rate you wish to charge your members.

 If you are after a more personalised arrangement for your clients, reach out to me via the button below so we can have a chat.


Goal of the package:

To help your members understand how to fuel their body for optimal health, increased performance & energy levels and to help them reach their goal long term. This is not a typical “challenge”, where everyone is encouraged to eat as good as they possibly can and train as hard as they can. Why? Because we know those behaviours are not sustainable and not realistic for everyday life. 

Our nutrition package is about learning the foundations of nutrition and to set your members up for long term success by getting to know their current eating habits and learning what they need to adjust to make long lasting changes.

They will receive short and informative videos via a whatsapp group.

Each week we focus on a different/additional goals and they get access to me personally anytime.

There is a limit of 15 participants at a time.


Below a rough overview of what the main weekly focus is:


Week 1 - Goal setting:

Completion of questionnaire and set up of coaching app and My Fitness Pal. Participants will track their current food intake without changing anything for one week.


At the end of week 1, I will go through their tracking and create a personalised calorie & macro plan for them. Their targets are based on their goals which they outlined in the questionnaire, as well as their first week of tracking (no cookie cutter approach; we set realistic, personalised goals)


Week 2 - Macros

All about the macros - the importance of protein (but how there is no need to overdo it), good quality carbs and healthy fats.


Week 3 - Snacks & Training

What are good quality snacks between meals and how to structure meals & snacks around training.


Week 4 - Quick meals

Quick meals; how to create a well balanced meal without spending much time in the kitchen.


Week 5 - Fibre

The importance of fibre, how much we need and how can we make sure we are getting enough or what could happen if we have too much.


Week 6 - Nutrition labels

How to interpret nutrition/ingredient labels and how to make better choices.


Week 7 - Hunger & Fullness scale

What is the hunger & fullness scale and how can it help with nutrition timing?

Wrap up and final questions.


In addition to the above, we will also go through unhelpful diet rules, female specific information on training & nutrition around their cycle, how to structure their own meal plan and more.


I would love to help your members eat and feel better, as we know training + nutrition goes hand in hand.


There is so much passion that goes into running your own wonderful business but you can't possibly do it all.

Let me take care of the nutrition needs for your clients.


Let's have a chat. Click on the link below to reach out to me.








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